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Launching on Hacker News:

Introduction to Posting on Hacker News-

Hacker News (HN) is a hub for tech enthusiasts, where developers and industry insiders share news and engage in discussions. One popular category for submissions is “Show HN.” When posting under this category, your focus should be on showcasing new technologies, projects, or products. The key is to engage the community with something innovative and interesting rather than merely promotional.

1) Use Technical Language

Discuss the frameworks and best practices that your project adheres to or innovates upon. This not only garners interest but also establishes your credibility within the community.

2) Focus on Solutions

Instead of simply describing what your product or project does, explain the problems it solves. Highlighting the solution aspect resonates more with the HN audience, who are typically problem-solvers by nature.

Engaging with the Community-

Once your post is live, it’s crucial to actively engage with the community. The initial interaction sets the tone for the discussion that follows.

1) Add a Personable First Comment

Use your first comment to add context or share a personal story related to the project. This approach helps in humanizing the post and can lead to more constructive feedback.

2) Prepare for Rough Feedback

Feedback on HN can be blunt, but it’s often insightful. Be prepared to respond thoughtfully to both positive and negative comments. Use this as an opportunity to gain insights and iterate on your project.

What to Avoid-

While HN can be a valuable platform for feedback and visibility, there are certain practices that are frowned upon and can negatively impact your reception.

1) Avoid Emojis

Keep the post professional and aligned with the text-based nature of HN discussions. Emojis can detract from the seriousness of your post.

2) Steer Clear of Certain Terminologies

Words like “dropship” or “e-commerce” can trigger skepticism as they often relate to business models rather than technological innovations, which is the core interest of HN.

3) Never Ask for Upvotes

Soliciting upvotes is against HN policies and can lead to your post being downvoted or removed. Let the quality of your post generate interest and engagement organically.


Initial Comment: